The Trace Element Laboratory at Charing Cross Hospital (North West London Pathology) has provided a comprehensive trace element service to local and national laboratories since the mid-1980s, and became a SAS laboratory in 2008. The laboratory has been active in developing new analytical methods and in research in trace element biochemistry, often in collaboration with academics from local Universities. All assays in the laboratory are now performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The laboratory is led by a consultant clinical scientist and is staffed by a team with decades of trace element experience.
The laboratory provides a comprehensive analytical service, offers interpretative advice and is happy to discuss unusual requests.
The laboratory is UKAS accredited to the medical laboratory standard ISO15189.
Director: Dr Nick Martin
Blood Sciences,
First Floor Laboratory Block,
Charing Cross Hospital,
Fulham Palace Road,
W6 8RF
Tel:+44 (0)20 3313 3644