Newcastle RVI Endocrine Laboratory

Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI)

The Newcastle SAS laboratory has existed since the foundation of the SAS in 1973 to meet both clinical and academic needs within endocrinology. An extensive menu of specialist endocrine assays is offered. Major areas of interest are the investigation of thyroid, pituitary and adrenal disorders. The SAS designated assays performed are: thyroglobulin, TSH receptor antibodies, IGF-I, ACTH, PTH, 25(OH) cholecalciferol and calcitonin. In addition, non-SAS specialist endocrine assays undertaken in the laboratory include copeptin (CT-proAVP), plasma/urine metanephrines and various steroid hormones by LC-MS/MS. The SAS diagnostic service includes an advisory function performed and co-ordinated by the director, supported by expert endocrinologists based in Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals with whom the SAS laboratory has strong links. An active research and development programme is in operation involving collaboration with clinical and academic service users.

Director: Dr Chris Boot

Tel: +44 (0)191 2824153

SAS Laboratory

Blood Sciences

Royal Victoria Infirmary

Queen Victoria Road

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: +44 (0)191 2824025